KERL Universal

The strong lightweight - fully configurable!
Seats, vehicle equipment and other modules should be as flexible as possible today. KERL universal offers the perfect foundation for this. The new scalable aluminum base plate can be easily adapted to your needs by configuration. The lockable variants prevent passengers from unlocking fixtures without authorization.

Kerl Universal 346 Kerl Universal 345
Kerl Universal 346 Kerl Universal 345
The product in detail


KERL universal

Available as a lockable and non-lockable version.

Buy now
Kerl Universal 345
Kerl Universal 346

Configuration options

Select pitch (P):

Info: for allsafe airline tracks standard and heavy-duty

  • P = 25 mm
  • P = 25,4 mm (inch grid)
Startmass Y

Select length front:

  • min. 4 pitch (1 thread M8)
  • max. 8 pitch (5 threads M8)
Kerl Universal Vorne Zeichnung

Select length rear:

  • min. 4 pitch (1 thread M8)
  • max. 8 pitch (5 threads M8)
Kerl Universal Hinten Zeichnung


You can configure the Kerl universal as an optional lockable version. Please order the required number of keys (item no. 521190-20) separately.

Kerl Schluessel Anwendung
511090 10
Neu 521190 20