We look forward
to your call!

Jacqueline Nutz
1. foreword
allsafe GmbH & Co KG attaches great importance to a fair and honest partnership. This is the basis of any business relationship. If, despite all the precautionary and control measures that have been introduced, disruptions should occur, it is necessary to be able to fall back on clear framework conditions that are recognised by both parties. For this reason, the following rules have been drawn up in connection with the technical specification and/or drawing. These components form the essential part of the contract between the supplier partner and allsafe GmbH & Co KG.We attach great importance to the fact that our partner is not unnecessarily disturbed in his normal process by these conditions. Furthermore, these terms of delivery are coordinated with the supplier in order to ensure smooth processing.
2. binding nature of framework agreements
The quantities and terms stated by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG in the framework order are made to the best of our knowledge and belief on the basis of the information provided by our customers. However, we must point out that these details can change constantly. We must reserve the right to adapt them to the requirements, i.e. to correct them upwards as well as downwards.The agreements made regarding price, delivery, terms of payment as well as the object to be delivered are binding.
3. tools
3.1 Care, Maintenance, Safekeeping of Tools
The supplier takes over the guarantee for the faultless functionality of the tools during their use. KG, the supplier is obliged to check the tools provided to him for their suitability. If necessary, a written offer for repair or adaptation has to be made. Only after written order by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG these measures may be carried out. The supplier must store the tools properly and protect them from any damage and from environmental influences. During the quantities stipulated in the contract, the costs for maintenance, care and repair shall be borne by the supplier. After the expiry of the quantities stipulated in the contract, the costs for care and maintenance shall be borne by the supplier; the costs for the repair of the tools shall be borne by allsafe GmbH & Co KG after the order has been placed. In order to guarantee a continuous delivery free of defects, the tools must be maintained, repaired and cared for by the supplier. At the end of the delivery, the supplier is obliged to hand over the tools in perfect condition to allsafe GmbH & Co. The transfer of ownership of the tools takes place automatically with the payment of the tools and does not require any further contractual agreement.
4. tool modification
Modifications to tools may only be made with the prior written consent of allsafe GmbH & Co. KG. Should a tool change be necessary due to technical modifications by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG, the supplier must first submit a written offer. Only after written order the necessary measures are to be released and carried out. The changed parts have to be sampled again and released by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG for serial delivery.allsafe GmbH & Co KG will take over the costs for material which is no longer usable due to a drawing change within the scope of a partnership relationship. However, the supplier undertakes to point out already when preparing the offer that the existing materials can no longer be used after the changeover.
5. tool release/first sampling
5.1 Occasion
The supplier is obliged to carry out initial sampling in the following cases:
If the supplier intends to make one of the following changes, he is obliged to inform allsafe GmbH & Co. KG about his intention and to wait for a written release. If necessary, an initial sampling is also necessary here.
5.2 Initial Sample Inspection / Initial Sample Inspection Forms
The initial sample inspection carried out by the supplier must be based on the forms prepared by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG or on forms in accordance with VDA
be made. If these are not available to the supplier, they must be requested.
If no other quantity has been agreed, 50 parts must be inspected and documented. If it is an assembly, 50 individual parts each must also be inspected and documented. In the case of production with several identical tools, an initial sample inspection must be carried out from each tool or nest of a multiple mould. Unless otherwise agreed, the corresponding parts must be attached to the initial sample test report.
Unless otherwise agreed, corresponding proofs / material analyses must be attached to the initial sample inspection for the materials used. In separate cases - automotive application - this data must be entered into the IMDS database.
Together with the initial sample, a proof of capability (test on the basis of at least 50 parts) for the specifications and special test dimensions defined by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG must be submitted together with the initial sample. Furthermore, an inspection plan must be enclosed with the initial sample.
The delivery release/series release of the sampled parts is carried out by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG on the form "Initial Sample Inspection Report" filled out by the supplier.
6. right to purchase from tools
The supplier commits himself to deliver parts or components/assemblies from tools and/or developments of the company allsafe GmbH & Co. KG exclusively to the latter. Parts may only be sold to third parties after written release. For each case of infringement the supplier has to be liable in the amount of the total damage caused. Furthermore, the supplier is obliged to disclose the quantity and the buyers of the parts delivered in parallel. If allsafe GmbH & Co. KG has given the release for delivery to third parties, the purchasing supplier is not allowed to change tools or specifications. Furthermore, it is not allowed to transfer tools to other suppliers without written consent of allsafe GmbH & Co. KG without the written consent of allsafe GmbH & Co.
7. supply time, delivery of spare parts
The supplier undertakes to supply allsafe GmbH & Co. KG with the product as well as with spare parts for the product during the entire series production period and beyond that 15 years after the series discontinuation date. The scrapping of part-specific manufacturing equipment of the part, irrespective of the ownership, may only be carried out after written consent of allsafe GmbH & Co. KG.
8 Audit, documentation, retention periods
8.1 Audit
The customer is entitled to determine by means of an audit whether the supplier's quality assurance measures guarantee the customer's requirements. The audit can be carried out as a system or process audit and must be agreed in good time before the planned implementation. Audits by approved certification bodies are to be taken into account. Reasonable restrictions of the supplier to protect his trade secrets are accepted.
8.2 Retention periods
The supplier must retain all product and process-relevant documents, records and data that are part of the production process and product release for a period of at least 20 years. This regulation is relevant for both series and spare parts supply.
8.3 Access authorisation
The supplier undertakes to grant allsafe GmbH & Co KG as well as their customers and regulating authorities access to the company (EN 9100:2018 point 8.4.3.L)
9 Statistical values, evaluations
9.1 FMEA
It is desirable that the supplier prepares an FMEA for his scope of delivery. This is the basis for a smooth and high-quality delivery.
9.2 Process capability
It is desirable that process capability is demonstrated by means of statistical values. In the interest of continuous quality improvements, it is necessary to record these data and to use them consistently to optimise the processes. Basically, the data provided by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG in the specifications (if available) must be achieved and documented.
9.3. Qualitätsziele
Für funktions- und sicherheitsrelevante Produkteigenschaften ist eine 0-Fehler Fertigung unumgänglich und vom Lieferanten nachzuweisen. Sofern keine andere Vereinbarung getroffen wird, liegt die Obergrenze der Fehlerquote für nicht funktions- und sicherheitsrelevante Produkteigenschaften bei < 500 PPM. Es ist jedoch zu bemerken, dass ein Lieferant der sich permanent an dieser Obergrenze bewegt auf Sicht ersetzt werden muss. Das von allsafe GmbH & Co KG angestrebte Ziel ist eine Quote von < 100 PPM. Zu einer schlechten Lieferung zählen nicht nur direkte Qualitätsmängel am Produkt, sondern auch unzureichende Verpackung, falsche Kennzeichnung der Sendung, falsche Menge, sowie alle Fehler die den Ablauf von allsafe GmbH & Co. KG behindern oder stoppen können.
10. quality, tests
10.1. incoming goods inspection
allsafe GmbH & Co. KG will only check the delivered products on a random basis. This means that the supplier has to guarantee the required quality for the products delivered by him and in case of a complaint he assumes liability for the parts delivered by him.
However, inspections with regard to delivered quantity, reference and external damage or defects will always be carried out.
If transport damage occurs during delivery, which makes unloading of the products impossible or has also resulted in damage to the products, allsafe reserves the right to refuse acceptance or to return the goods at the supplier's expense.
In this case, the supplier must ensure that an immediate resupply in perfect condition takes place.
In addition, remedial measures must be taken to ensure that such damage does not occur again.
10.2 Complaint handling, complaint processing
If the supplier finds out that faulty parts have been manufactured and already delivered, he is obliged to inform allsafe GmbH & Co KG immediately in case of imminent danger. allsafe GmbH & Co KG is obliged to inform the supplier immediately about detected faults.
Should the supplier find out that defective parts have been manufactured which in his opinion could be usable, he can notify allsafe GmbH & Co. KG for release. A delivery may only take place after written release by allsafe GmbH & Co KG (deviation approval). The parts must be marked accordingly.
Quality is given high priority in the supplier evaluation and is constantly monitored.
In case of a complaint, the supplier is obliged to provide capacities for the elimination. Furthermore, the supplier is obliged to guarantee the continuation of the production at allsafe GmbH & Co KG, e.g. by sorting out bad parts, repairing already manufactured components (approval by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG - type and extent of repair must be documented), immediate delivery of good parts and return of bad parts free of charge.
In addition, an 8 D report must be prepared by the supplier. The resulting measures must be monitored, implemented and documented.
The initiation of measures in the case of complaints must take place within one day. In the case of complaints about parts with documentation requirements, production at the supplier's must be stopped immediately and the affected stocks must be secured at the supplier's and at allsafe's premises.
A catalogue of measures has to be submitted by the supplier after three days at the latest. allsafe reserves the right to carry out a short audit to ensure the processing of the catalogue of measures.
10.3 Quality management system of the supplier
The supplier agrees to introduce and/or maintain a quality system based on ISO 9000 ff with the objective of a zero-defect target and to optimise its processes with continuous improvement measures.
The Supplier undertakes to establish, continuously apply and maintain a comparable QM system for its sub-suppliers with the objective of ensuring the flawless quality of its purchased parts.
11. delivery
11.1 Delivery frequency
allsafe GmbH & Co KG depends on flexible and fast delivery in small lot sizes. In order to achieve this, we strive to give our suppliers advance planning of our main products.
In order to make the processes as efficient as possible we need partners who are basically willing to optimise their processes and adapt to our needs.
11.2 Disposition/Order Processing
Wherever possible, allsafe GmbH & Co KG works with framework agreements (also called call orders or open purchase orders). These framework agreements regulate all important points such as total quantity, price, packaging, duration etc..
The classification of the products defined in the framework agreement are usually given to the supplier via a closed purchase order.
As we are constantly striving to optimise our processes, we are increasingly using other forms of order processing, such as Kanban, continuous supply, forecasting and self-control of various product groups. This means that we will generate our requirements less and less via a purchase order. Instead of a purchase order, flexible planning will be used, which the supplier will cover with corresponding capacity reservations.
These different planning systems also have a positive effect on the overall delivery time of the products, since, for example, input materials can be planned by the supplier according to the planning.
11.3 Delivery time/delivery reliability
The delivery time agreed upon with allsafe GmbH & Co KG must be strictly adhered to. The supplier is rather obliged to constantly improve his processes and thus to reduce the delivery time or to adapt it to our needs.
Should a delivery not be possible in the agreed time or should difficulties arise during production, the supplier is obliged to inform us immediately in case of potential disturbances and to initiate appropriate measures in order to keep the delay as low as possible.
In principle, the supplier is automatically in default of delivery in case of missed deadlines without this being explicitly formulated by allsafe GmbH & Co KG. Delivery time and delivery reliability are evaluated monthly within the framework of our supplier evaluation and also have a high priority there.
11.4 Goods receipt
For the clearance of incoming goods, allsafe GmbH & Co. KG requires the following information on the delivery note as well as on the goods:
In addition, all packages must be marked with the article number and designation. Wherever possible, the products supplied must be labelled accordingly so that their origin can be traced at any time. Furthermore, each delivery must be accompanied by the contractually stipulated and required test certificates. In the case of suppliers of extruded aluminium profiles, we require an EN 10204-3.1 certificate for the first 5 deliveries and an EN 10204-2.2 certificate thereafter, provided no deviations were found.
11.5 Safety management
The supplier shall promote a safety culture in which all employees have a high awareness of safety and proactively contribute to safety. Employees shall be encouraged to report errors, incidents and hazards that could lead to product non-conformity. This safety culture also includes the exchange of safety-related information with allsafe GmbH & Co. KG as well as collegial cooperation in the identification and elimination of safety risks.
12. terms of payment/delivery conditions
Our terms of payment are as follows: 10 days after receipt of invoice or goods net. allsafe GmbH & Co. Depending on the agreement, the deliveries will be made ex works or free domicile with the carrier prescribed by allsafe GmbH & Co KG.
13. productivity/KVP
We attach great importance to the fact that our partner permanently deals with improvement measures and consistently implements them in order to be able to offer conditions in line with the market in the future and to hold its own in the market. In order to achieve this goal, we are prepared to support our partners in process improvements and CIP measures with knowledge and active cooperation. In the course of the partnership cooperation, we expect that cost reductions of any kind will be shared with us.
14. packaging
The type of packaging is clearly defined in our packaging regulations. Should the supplier require other packaging, this must be approved in writing by allsafe GmbH & Co. KG in writing.
15 Termination
The contract may be terminated by either party with a notice period of 12 months.
17. confidentiality clause
All data concerning allsafe GmbH & Co. KG, regardless of its nature, may not be reproduced or made accessible to third parties without our permission in accordance with the provisions of copyright law.
18 Severability Clause
Should individual provisions of this contract prove to be invalid or incomplete, this shall not affect its validity; in this case it shall be interpreted or reinterpreted in such a way that an appropriate provision corresponding to its meaning and purpose shall apply which - as far as legally permissible - comes as close as possible to what the parties involved intended to achieve by this contract. To the extent necessary, they undertake to cooperate in any such amendment of the contract.
19 Higher-level provisions
Should requirements be defined in technical documents, specifications etc. or other agreements or provisions which exceed the requirements of this contract, the higher requirements shall apply.
20. place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction for all disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, including those concerning its validity, amendment or termination as well as non-contractual claims, shall be Stuttgart.
21 Product liability
The supplier undertakes to take out and maintain suitable product liability insurance. There must be sufficient insurance cover for the product liability risk.
22 Counterfeit parts/traceability
The supplier guarantees to purchase input materials only from authorised, approved suppliers in order to prevent counterfeit parts from third party suppliers. For this purpose, he has installed a corresponding process in his organisation, which ensures that the protection extends over the entire supply chain. Furthermore, it must be ensured that the products are fully traceable.
Jacqueline Nutz