We look forward
to your call!

Jacqueline Nutz
As the name suggests, airline tracks were designed for securing cargo and seats in aircraft. Due to its versatile application possibilities, the airline track has been used in many other areas for years and is steadily increasing in popularity. allsafe has been manufacturing airline tracks according to customer requirements since the beginning of the 2000s and will support you with its accumulated experience in selecting the right track.
The high-strength tracks from allsafe are used in cars to secure seats, in vans and trucks to secure loads and in aircraft to secure loads and seats.
Thanks to the wide range of tracks, you will find tracks suitable for installation on the side wall, ceiling, partition or in the floor. The tracks are configurable in different shapes and lengths and can be adapted to your requirements.
So nothing stands in the way of using them in your vehicle - including trucks, fire trucks, off-road vehicles, delivery vehicles and much more! Together with the locking bars, fittings or straps from allsafe you have the possibility to design a complete load securing system.
Call us - we will find the right track and system for your transport task and vehicle!
We manufacture all our airline tracks according to customer order specifications. This means that we manufacture the tracks as you need them - in the desired length, with the mounting hole that suits you, the matching track end and any other requirements. This means that we can supply you with ready-to-install tracks from our diverse range in the shortest possible time, even in small quantities.
Give us a call! Together with you, we will configure the right track to suit your application!
As standard, airline tracks are milled with a hole diameter of ⌀20mm. The distance from center hole to center hole is usually 25mm (P = pitch ). Since the hole diameter and the grid are identical for all standard tracks, locking elements, straps and fittings can be removed and inserted at any point on the track.
We manufacture all airline tracks to your desired length so you can have them ready to install with optional mounting holes in just a few days.
The pitch defines the distance between two airline tracks = P. We supply 25mm as standard, but also offer 25.4mm as well as 50mm grids. The distance of 25mm allows the use of a maximum number of lashing points on a compact length of the track. Since the hole diameter and the grid are identical for all airline tracks, locking elements, straps and fittings can be removed and inserted at any point along the track.
Provide the airline tracks with the appropriate mounting holes. The spacing of the holes depends on the required load, the load direction and very much on the force transfer into the substructure.
Customize the end of the track to match the vehicle or equipment.
The maximum length of an airline track is 6000mm. By dividing the track it is possible to piece an infinitely long track together. The advantages for you, other than an infinite track, also are an easy transport and storage.
Ever jigsaw puzzled airline tracks? :D
Matching plastic end parts are available as accessories for the airline tracks. The end parts are black and available in various packaging units. They not only round off the beginning and end of the airline track, but also the high-quality appearance of it.
The track cover in 3000mm can be ordered optionally. This is made of black plastic. The cover profile protects your airline track from dirt.
The locking elements from allsafe, restrain items using the principle of positive locking. By using locking bars in airline tracks, you secure your load in the vehicle.
How the clearance dimension is calculated; What adjustment options are available; What the load capacity indicator looks like and much more is explained in more detail below.
What are the obligations of the shipper; What are the standards; How do I calculate the required load securing and what are the application examples.
You will find all this in the following.
The loading agent, the vehicle owner and the driver. The shipping agent (shipping either for himself or for third parties) is responsible for roadworthy loads. The owner (the person who owns the vehicle and has control of it) is responsible for the suitability of the vehicle. The driver is the person who knowingly operates or controls a vehicle and is responsible for roadworthy stowage of the load and making sure load platform, bodywork and any load securing equipment are in sound and serviceable condition. Everybody has responsibilities
Loader |
Vehicle Owner |
Driver |
Loading, safe for traffic § 22 StVO § 412 HGB § 823, 831 BGB |
Suitable Vehicles § 30 StVZO § 31 StVZO |
Cargo must be safely secured § 22 StVO § 23 StVO |
§ 22 of the German Road Traffic Regulations states: the load, including load restraint equipment, should be stowed and secured that it cannot slide, roll-over in any direction, move because of vibration, fall off vehicle or make the vehicle tip over or produce avoidable noise, even during heavy braking or dangerous maneuvers. Generally accepted technical rules should be followed. § 37 (4) of the German Accident Prevention Regulations states that the load should be secured to hinder cargo from falling over and to prevent avoidable noises.
§ 412 of the German Commercial Code: Unless circumstances or common usage dictates otherwise, the dispatcher must load, stow, secure and unload the goods safely. The carrier is responsible for safe loading. § 823 of the German Civil Code define compensation. § 831 of the German Civil Code contains definitions of liability.
§ 30 of the German Road Traffic Licensing Regulations governs the requirements relating to the condition of vehicles; § 31 of the same legislation stipulates that responsibility for vehicle operation lies with the owner and driver. The vehicles must be safe to operate, for example, show no technical defects and all load restraint required for the intended journey must be available. The vehicle must also be roadworthy, which includes the vehicle operator being trained accordingly to secure the load adequately (§ 30 + § 31).
Vehicles over 3.5 t total weight, use various securing methods such as blocking, lashing or a combination of both, to secure loads in road vehicles which are defined in part 1.
Information about the blocking force „BC in daN“ of shoring elements is important for the calculation (BC = blocking capacity).
In addition to EN 12 195-1, VDI Guideline 2700 ff provides a summary of physical principles and specific examples for load restraint. The guidelines make many references to the relevant statutory rules and standards. The list of specific examples of load restraint is being extended continuously. The training requirements for people responsible for the load restraint are also described. The VDI guidelines are definitive in legal disputes in Germany.
ISO 27955 |
ISO 27956 |
EN 12 640 |
EN 12 641 |
EN 12 642 |
EN 283/284 |
EN 12 195 |
EN 12 195 |
additionally: VDI 2700 ff |
Lashing points |
Lashing points |
Lashing points |
Ttrackers |
Ttrackers |
Ttrackers |
Load restraint |
Passenger vehicle, wagon, light commercial vehicle |
Light commercial vehicle |
Flatbed trucks - > 3.5t |
Tarpaulin |
Swap bodies |
Section 1: Calculating securing forces |
Section 2: Lashing strap made from synthetic fibers |
Recognized regulations for securing loads |
The load applies a downward force on the load space of weight Fz Forces like weight are measured in Newton (N). The force of 1 kg mass is approximately 9,81 N which for practical purposes can be rounded up to 10 N or 1 decaNewton (daN):
The normal force of 1 kg of mass is 1 daN.
Friction hinders movement of the load and helps to secure it by working against the force of inertia. Friction forces depend on the mutual cargo and truck bed surface. The rougher the surface is, the higher the friction.
Friction can be calculated by multiplying the weight Fz by μ which stands for the static friction coefficient.
Acceleration tends to cause the load to slide backwards. As a result of the retarding force when braking, the load tends to slide forwards. This vehicle movement is in the direction of the longitudinal axis (x-axis). Centrifugal forces on the vehicle and its load occur when driving around curves. This vehicle movement exerts a force in the direction of the transverse axis (y-axis). | |
Centrifugal forces try to tilt the vehicle and push the cargo to the outside of the curve. Movement of the load while driving around a curve can cause the vehicle to topple over. Based on the driving dynamics of vehicles with different total masses, different longitudinal and diagonal acceleration takes place in practice, see illustration. Starting from a standstill position, the load acts with an inertia force directed towards the rear of the vehicle equal to 0,5 times the weight of the load. When braking, the inertial force directed towards the vehicle may equal 0,8 times the weight of the load. When cornering, the lateral inertia force may reach 0,5 times the weight of the load. These longitudinal and transverse accelerations exert longitudinal force Fx or lateral force Fy on the load. |
Guideline VDI 2700 sheet 4 requires the load to be stowed so that the center of gravity of the entire load is along the longitudinal centerline of the vehicle if possible. Even weight and load distribution for partial loads is also desirable. Positive locking is not usually achieved with heavy weights as you cannot load from the front bulkhead to the rear due to the vehicle‘s axle loads.This produces gaps in the cargo and suitable load restraint equipment must therefore be used. Shoring elements can secure against large forces, especially in the direction of travel. |
Guideline VDI 2700 sheet 4 requires the load to be stowed so that the center of gravity of the entire load is along the longitudinal centerline of the vehicle if possible. Even weight and load distribution for partial loads is also desirable. Positive locking is not usually achieved with heavy weights as you cannot load from the front bulkhead to the rear due to the vehicle‘s axle loads.This produces gaps in the cargo and suitable load restraint equipment must therefore be used. Shoring elements can secure against large forces, especially in the direction of travel.
With the blocking force of the locking bars and beams (for details, see sticker), the following load weights can be secured on a vehicle with a permissible total mass zGM > 3.5 t: The load must be secured to the sides and rear with 0.5 g. With a load of 4.0 metric tons and a coefficient of sliding friction of μ = 0.25, the example calculation below (for simplicity, the acceleration due to gravity has been rounded to 10) gives the following result: With BC 1 000 daN, 4 000 kg of cargo can be secured to the rear and sides. Factor 4 blocking elements are marked with BC (blocking force in daN) according to EN 12 195-1. Put simply, with the formula " BC x 4 = load weight", the most common loads are adequately secured laterally and to the rear with Factor 4 products.
"BC x 2 = load weight" secures sufficiently to the front.
KIM is used horizontally in box vans in the sidewall tracks. Vertically, KIM can be used in box or curtainsider vehicles. For this purpose, KIM is fitted into the floor track next to the load. With help of the pull strap, the spring-loaded end is then fitted into the roof track. The spring-loaded end should always be placed in the roof track whereas it could spring out of the floor tracks KIM 44 Profi is the only shoring pole that can be used vertically and horizontally in a transporter.
KIM 55 with a BC of 500 daN x 4 gives you 2000 kg rear or lateral load restraint
KAT Combi beams are locked into the Combi tracks by releasing the locking device, found at each end of the beam. To release the beam, simply unlock the locking deviceon one side. By lowering the beam on one side the opposite side unlocks and the beam can be easily removed. KAT is also available for keyhole tracks.
KAT Combi with its BC 800 daN x 4 is able to restrain 3200 kg towards the back.
PAT can be attached to support laths, and drop boards. By applying slight pressure, PAT’s closures tilt into the laths and create positive locking.
PAT 1000 with its BC 1000 daN x 4 is able to restrain 4000 kg towards the back.
Loads that are difficult to secure, such as break bulk, Big Bags, octabins etc,. can be safely secured by means of positive locking with the AJS system. AJS lashing profiles are mounted laterally between the pillars. The load is then secured laterally with KAT AJS beams.
This system is great for loading and unloading partial loads.
KAT AJS with its BC 2000 daN x 4 is able to restrain 8000 kg towards the back
For better control over the vehicle and to comply with weight distribution regulations, cargo should be loaded towards the back and in the middle of the floor surface. Our solution is placing the load between four specially designed KIM 5x7 Profi beams which restrain the load from the front and the back. The beams are placed as close to the goods as possible. The beams are fitted vertically into roof and floor tracks which creates positive locking. Depending on the load, KIM 44 elements are inserted between the shoring beams. Lateral restraint is provided by lashing straps, which can be connected to the Airline track on the KIM 5x7 Profi beam. The patented load securing system is tested and certified in compliance with VDI 2700 for vehicles up to 3.5t MPW.
The symbols, units and terms used are in compliance with DIN EN 12195:
FX,Y = force of load towards the front, back and sides
FZ = Normal Force (weight)
FT = Tension force lashing equipment
FF = Friction Force
cX,Y = Front, rear or lateral acceleration
μ = Dynamic Friction Coefficient
sin α = Agnle
STF = Standard Tension Force lashing strap
mGVM = Gross Vehivle mass
Frictional connetion FF can be increased, for example by top-over lashing. The load is balanced, meaning the load can not slide if the following applies:
Sum FF > FX, with sum FF = (FZ + FT ) · µ.
= Simple calculation of the required pretensioning force for securing the load with tie-down lashing at a 90° angle.
Example: mGVM 20.000 kg, friction coefficient µ = 0.25, load weight 4000 kg, restraint in direction of travel, over-lashing at 90° angle, standard tension force STF = 500 daN: FT = 4000 · (0.8 - 0.25) : 0.25 = 8800 daN Number of straps needed = 8800 daN / (2 · 500 daN) = 9
Calculation of necessary tension force for load restraint with top-over lashing at
Example: dynamic friction coefficient µ = 0.25, load weight 4000 kg, restraint in direction of travel, over-lashing at 60° angle:
Load securing through frictional connection with lashing straps is called tie-down lashing. The friction coefficient between load and vehicle floor surface can be increased with force locking. The friction force can be increased with top-over-lashing or equipment that increases friction (e.g. friction mats). With stable loads this should be increased until the load is no longer able to slide, taking accelerating factors into account.
The standard tension force, not the lashing capacity of the strap, is relevant for the calculation of the number of straps needed!
To calculate the number of straps required, information about the strap itself and the load is required.
This information can be found on the label. A standard tension force STF of 500 daN is displayed on the label of the „Ergo long-lever ratchet strap“. To achieve this 500 daN standard tension force (STF) in the ratchet, a manual force (SHF) of 50 daN has to be applied.
In addition to practical instructions, indications of components that may need to be replaced. Potential damage which can occur to these parts can be taken from the label. The strap can be used as long as it does not show signs of the potential damages listed.
When lashing down, the load is pressed onto the loading surface by the lashing equipment. Pressing down increases the frictional force. This secures the load against slipping. Tie-down lashing is performed using lashing straps that are fastened over the load. Together with the weight of the load, the lashing belts and their forces act on the load and on the loading area. To prevent the load from shifting, the pretensioning forces and the weight force of the load must be matched. The use of anti-slip mats is also recommended to increase the coefficient of dynamic friction.
The product advantages at a glance:
With the new TSN TransSAFE®net, securing general cargo is effortless. When not in use, a net lift keeps the net ready for use under the roof. For securing, the net can be quickly and easily stretched over the load from front to back. The TSN is secured by straps that connect the net to the lashing eyes in the vehicle. All straps can be operated from the side and rear doors, eliminating the need for cumbersome climbing around in the cargo area.
There is also no need for tedious winding or untangling of the net.
The product advantages at a glance:
Cargo securing by positive locking means that the cargo makes full use of the space available to it, so that there is no longer any room for the cargo to move. The simplest case, as shown in Figure 1, is a cargo hold fully loaded with stable cargo units. In Fig. 2, positive locking is provided to the front and sides by the vehicle body and to the rear by locking bars. Figure 3 shows positive locking to the front and rear using locking bars. This is particularly useful when very high locking forces are required. The end wall is relieved in the direction of travel. In Fig. 4, positive locking to the rear is achieved with locking bars (horizontal and vertical). The load area to the front is secured by positive locking with horizontal locking bars. Even if the load is at different heights, a tight fit can be achieved with the aid of locking bars, as Fig. 5 shows. The load is usually secured by positive locking using locking bars. Figures 6 and 7 show positive locking with lashing belts. The lashings shown in Figure 7 can also be used to create an artificial end wall. For example, by an upright pallet in front of the load, which is braced at the rear with belts. |
With the blocking force of the locking bars and beams (for details, see sticker), the following load weights can be secured on a vehicle with a permissible total mass zGM > 3.5 t: The load must be secured to the sides and rear with 0.5 g. With a load of 4.0 metric tons and a coefficient of sliding friction of μ = 0.25, the example calculation below (for simplicity, the acceleration due to gravity has been rounded to 10) gives the following result: With BC 1 000 daN, 4 000 kg of cargo can be secured to the rear and sides.
Factor 4 blocking elements are marked with BC (blocking force in daN) according to EN 12 195-1.
Put simply, with the formula " BC x 4 = load weight", the most common loads are adequately secured laterally and to the rear with Factor 4 products.
"BC x 2 = load weight" secures sufficiently to the front.
The symbols, diagrams and graphics used here are analogous to those used in EN 12195.
Fz = normal force
m = Mass
Fx,y = Mass force to the front / rear and sideways respectively
cx,y = Acceleration to the front / rear or laterally μ = dynamic friction coefficient
FS = Securing force FF = Frictional force BC = Locking force Locking beam
X = number of locking beams
Simplified formula for calculating the securing force
Inertia force to the rear = Fx,y = cx,y - FZ = Fx,y = 0.5 - 4 000 daN = 2 000 daN
Frictional force = FF = μ - FZ = FF = 0.25 - 4 000 daN = 1 000 daN
In addition to the given frictional force (FF = FZ - μ), the blocking force BC of the load securing equipment counteracts the inertial mass. The system is in equilibrium, i.e. the load does not slip, if: BC > (cx,y - μ) m - g
Required securing force = FS = F - FF = FS = 2 000 daN - 1 000 daN = 1 000 daN
KIM is used horizontally in box vans in the sidewall tracks. Vertically, KIM can be used in box or curtainsider vehicles. For this purpose, KIM is fitted into the floor track next to the load. With help of the pull strap, the spring-loaded end is then fitted into the roof track. The spring-loaded end should always be placed in the roof track whereas it could spring out of the floor tracks. KIM 44 Profi is the only shoring pole that can be used vertically and horizontally in a transporter. KIM 55 with a BC of 500 daN x 4 gives you 2000 kg rear or lateral load restraint.
KAT Combi beams are locked into the Combi tracks by releasing the locking device, found at each end of the beam. To release the beam, simply unlock the locking deviceon one side. By lowering the beam on one side the opposite side unlocks and the beam can be easily removed. KAT is also available for keyhole tracks.
KAT Combi with its BC 800 daN x 4 is able to restrain 3200 kg towards the back.
PAT can be attached to support laths, and drop boards. By applying slight pressure, PAT’s closures tilt into the laths and create positive locking.
PAT 1000 with its BC 1000 daN x 4 is able to restrain 4000 kg towards the back.
Loads that are difficult to secure, such as break bulk, Big Bags, octabins etc,. can be safely secured by means of positive locking with the AJS system. AJS lashing profiles are mounted laterally between the pillars. The load is then secured laterally with KAT AJS beams.
This system is great for loading and unloading partial loads.
KAT AJS with its BC 2000 daN x 4 is able to restrain 8000 kg towards the back
For better control over the vehicle and to comply with weight distribution regulations, cargo should be loaded towards the back and in the middle of the floor surface. Our solution is placing the load between four specially designed KIM 5x7 Profi beams which restrain the load from the front and the back. The beams are placed as close to the goods as possible. The beams are fitted vertically into roof and floor tracks which creates positive locking. Depending on the load, KIM 44 elements are inserted between the shoring beams. Lateral restraint is provided by lashing straps, which can be connected to the Airline track on the KIM 5x7 Profi beam. The patented load securing system is tested and certified in compliance with VDI 2700 for vehicles up to 3.5t MPW.
The symbols, units and terms used are in compliance with DIN EN 12195:
FX,Y = force of load towards the front, back and sides
FZ = Normal Force (weight) Friction force FF can be increased for example by top-over lashing. The load is balanced, meaning the load can not slide if the following applies: |
= Simple calculation of the required pretensioning force for securing the load with tie-down lashing at a 90° angle. |
Example: mGVM 20.000 kg, friction coefficient µ = 0.25, load weight 4000 kg, restraint in direction of travel, over-lashing at 90° angle, standard tension force STF = 500 daN: FT = 4000 · (0.8 - 0.25) : 0.25 = 8800 daN Number of straps needed = 8800 daN / (2 · 500 daN) = 9
Calculation of necessary tension force for load restraint with top-over lashing at
Example: dynamic friction coefficient µ = 0.25, load weight 4000 kg, restraint in direction of travel, over-lashing at 60° angle:
Load securing through frictional connection with lashing straps is called tie-down lashing. The friction coefficient between load and vehicle floor surface can be increased with force locking. The friction force can be increased with top-over-lashing or equipment that increases friction (e.g. friction mats). With stable loads this should be increased until the load is no longer able to slide, taking accelerating factors into account. The standard tension force, not the lashing capacity of the strap, is relevant for the calculation of the number of straps needed! To calculate the number of straps required, information about the strap itself and the load is required. This information can be found on the label. A standard tension force STF of 500 daN is displayed on the label of the „Ergo long-lever ratchet strap“. To achieve this 500 daN standard tension force (STF) in the ratchet, a manual force (SHF) of 50 daN has to be applied. |
In addition to practical instructions, indications of components that may need to be replaced. Potential damage, which can occur regarding these parts, can be taken from the label. The strap can be used as long as it does not show signs of the potential damages listed. To calculate the number of belts, in addition to information on the load, you also need some data on the strap in use. You will always find this information on the label. |
When lashing down, the load is pressed onto the loading surface by the lashing equipment. Pressing down increases the frictional force. This secures the load against slipping. Tie-down lashing is performed using lashing straps that are fastened over the load. Together with the weight of the load, the lashing belts and their forces act on the load and on the loading area. To prevent the load from shifting, the pretensioning forces and the weight force of the load must be matched. The use of anti-slip mats is also recommended to increase the coefficient of dynamic friction.
The product advantages at a glance:
Jacqueline Nutz