KIM 4x4

Art.-Nr.: 512082

Static length, ca. 40x40 mm

KIM 4x4 is made to fit exactly to the clearance dimension in your vehicle. It is configurable for all common vehicles and track types with a spring deflection of approx. 70 mm.

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Alberts hint

The KIM 4x4 has a spring travel of 70 mm. Do you need a larger adjustment range?

No problem with KIM 4x4 Profi- this locking bar can be adjusted using a lever and therefore has a wider range of use.

The product in detail

Short and Sweet

  • This product can be ordered with the appropriate end parts for your track.
  • With an operating strap on your bar, you can release it quickly and easily.
  • A spring deflection at the top of the bar allows it to be quickly and easily clamped between the tracks in your vehicle.
  • We are happy to print your logo on the label of the locking bars.


KIM 4x4 is a square locking bar with a locking force of up to 400 daN.

This locking bar is manufactured to fit exactly to the clearance dimension in your vehicle and can be configured with different end parts, making it compatible with all common vehicles and track types. KIM 4x4 is a square bar with approx. 40x40 mm and has a spring deflection of approx. 70 mm. This locking bar can be ordered with an optional operating strap. As with all Faktor4 products from allsafe, an individual product type plate on the label is available.

Application area

KIM 4x4 is suitable for horizontal and vertical use. It is available with a fixed application range of min. 640 - max. 2520 mm and with 70 mm spring deflection.

Please indicate the inside dimension between the tracks when ordering:

Lichtes Maß

End Piece

Bolt top

The end parts at the top are compatible as follows:

Ø19 mm solid bolt, short

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Kurz

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø20 mm

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Ø19 mm solid bolt, long

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Lang

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø20 mm

71206 Unbemasst71212 Unbemasst 25

Ø24 mm solid bolt, short

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Kurz

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø25 mm

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Ø24 mm solid bolt, long

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Lang

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø25 mm

71206 Unbemasst71212 Unbemasst 25

Bolt bottom

The end parts at the bottom are compatible as follows:

Ø19 mm solid bolt, short

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Kurz

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø20 mm

71206 Unbemasst71212 Unbemasst 25

Ø19 mm solid bolt, long

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Lang

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø20 mm

71206 Unbemasst71212 Unbemasst 25

Ø24 mm solid bolt, short

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Kurz

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø25 mm

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Ø24 mm solid bolt, long

Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Lang

Airline track / Perforated track  Ø25 mm

71206 Unbemasst71212 Unbemasst 25

Ø19 mm slotted bolt, short Anti-twist X-Direction

Ki M4x4 Bolzen X Richtung

Airline track

Kim Verdrehsicherung X

Ø19 mm slotted bolt, short Anti-twist Y-Direction

Ki M4x4 Bolzen Y Richtung

Airline track

Kim Verdrehsicherung Y
Bolt top   Compatible with
Ø 19 mm solid bolt, short Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Kurz
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 20 mm

Ø 19 mm solid bolt, long Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Lang
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 20 mm

Ø 24 mm solid bolt, short Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Kurz
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 25 mm

Ø 24 mm solid bolt, long Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Lang
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 25 mm

Bolt bottom   Compatible with
Ø 19 mm solid bolt, short Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Kurz
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 20 mm

Ø 19 mm solid bolt, long Kim 4x4 Bolzen 19 Lang
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 20 mm

Ø 24 mm solid bolt, short Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Kurz
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 25 mm

Ø 24 mm solid bolt, long Kim 4x4 Bolzen 24 Lang
71206 Unbemasst 71212 Unbemasst 25

Airline track / Perforated track / Combi track ø 25 mm

Ø 19 mm slotted bolt, short Anti-twist X-Direction Ki M4x4 Bolzen X Richtung

Kim Verdrehsicherung X


Ø 19 mm slotted bolt, short Anti-twist Y-Direction Ki M4x4 Bolzen Y Richtung

Kim Verdrehsicherung Y



Operating belt

Ki M4x4 Gurtband Zus
